
Friday, September 30, 2016

Art Charm Exchange

So you know I love to make polymer clay charms, beads and focals.

When Jennifer Cameron suggested a charm exchange with fairy tales as the theme, I was in 200%.

I made my beads and charms and sent them off to Jen.


That's a lot of beads!

I sent sets for each participant.

There is something so decadent about the whole collection, isn't there?

So I sent sets like these to the other participants.

As well as some of these sets...

But then I decided to send some extra bead sets for the auction.

So I sent a Cinderella set.

A Fairy Tale Forest Set.

A second Cinderella set.

Want to bid on any of these sets?

Watch for the announcement of the auction soon...

You can take a peek at the other beads that will be at the auction  by visiting each of the participants blogs:

Thanks for stopping by...

1 comment:

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