
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Coastal Crafts Book Review

I recently got a copy of Coastal Crafts by Cynthia Shaffer.

It is the first book published featuring coastal crafts.

I have to be honest, it was worth the wait.

Cynthia has written and photographed the book beautifully.

I love how the book is laid out.

Not only does Cynthia include over 20 projects, she also includes some directions in the first chapter for cleaning shells and making your own drift wood.

I am very excited to be able to make my own driftwood.

While I collect shells every chance I get, I have never managed to be places where I could get driftwood.

There is such a great variety of materials and types of projects.

She has everything from these clay disks made into a cute banner to sewing to making a mixed media necklace.

Here are some embroidered towels.

She includes the simple directions and the patterns.

My daughter has earmarked this project as one she wants to do so we will be watching for white vases and vessels.

These sailboats are on my to do list for sure.

All of Cynthia's designs incorporate common materials that you already have at home or can find at any craft store.

You do not have to live close to the beach to complete the projects in the book- Genius!

The glass jar luminary would look awesome on anyone's deck, backyard or balcony.

The knotted coaster set is broken down into simple enough steps that I think I can do them.

I will do a post when I do so you can see how they turn out.

I love the nautical flag project.

Cynthia gives you the flag for each letter so you can spell out your name or a meaningful message of your own.

What a great gift for just about anyone on your gift list.

This white shell wreath is gorgeous and you can follow her easy-to-follow directions to make your own.

I love how these projects feel like a summer day and yet would be welcome in anyone's home year round.

Her starfish note cards are simple and gorgeous.

Not only does she provide directions for the notecards, she provides them to make your own stick pencils as well.

I am so trying those.

And what I have showed you is less than half of what is in the book.

Coastal Crafts is available on Amazon here.

You can find it in many other book stores as well.

It is a great book for anyone who loves the beach, coastal decorating or just a touch of summer for their home.

I plan to make most of the projects in the book and what I don't make for myself, I will be making to give as gifts.

I promise I will show you how my projects look when I get them made.

Thanks for stopping by....

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