
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Workbench Wednesday...Something Extremely Rare....

This is actually a post from my on-going studio redo.

I have been busy trying to get it all cleaned up and organized as you know.

Here is a look at the workbench last week:


Wait, there is more...

And more....

and more

and more.


So it has been months of working and then just piling.

Time to get this done.

Even I can't create in this mess.

So on one of the hottest days of the summer so far, I worked and worked and worked.

Lucky for me my awesome husband put up a ceiling fan for me 2 years ago.  

It was not too bad standing right under the fan.

I am pleased to show you the workbench now...

Drum roll please........

Wow!  What a difference!
Of course, just moments after finishing it, I want to create.

Gets me excited to start again.

You can see I was dipping beads.

So enjoy a couple more photos and know a clean workbench is a rare sight indeed in this studio. 

If you are a neat artist, enjoy!

If not, don't worry!  

I am sure by next week there will be some level of chaos for you to enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by...

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